Follow Good Shepherd Catholic Academy – Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn

Thomas Caporale

[email protected]

I am one of the luckiest people on the planet thanks to the countless blessings God has given me! I'm a Catholic born and raised in Brooklyn, more specifically Marine Park. The same neighborhood my parents were born and raised in. My family lives in the same house my great-grandfather built and the same house my grandmother was born in. I view myself as a morally good and passionate person. Someone who thinks logically and is very compassionate towards others, guided by my Catholic faith. 

To say "I love teaching at Good Shepherd Catholic Academy" would be an understatement. I can't imagine teaching anywhere else! I have the best co-workers, bosses and wonderful students to educate. Good Shepherd school and parish means a lot to my loved ones and me. This is the same school my mom, aunts and uncle attended when they were children. This is the same school many of my friends attended not so long ago. Good shepherd just feels like home, where I happily belong giving back to the community that has given me everything. I love and cherish our community and I'm blessed to be here. 

My education career origin story. I decided to pursue a career in education as a senior in high school. Too many of my friends and peers failed their classes and eventually dropped out of school. These individuals were/are intelligent and needed the right guidance to reach their full potential. At that time I decided I had the potential to be a person who can have a positive impact to change others' lives. Before I made that decision, I asked myself "what career would i want if money didn't matter? What profession would be impactful? What job would give my life purpose and meaning?" I came to the conclusion that it was teaching. Confucius, an ancient Chinese philosopher I studied to become a teacher once said. "If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is ten years, plant trees. if your plan is a hundred years educate children." 

I decided to change the world and would achieve this by helping others. I believed and still do, the best time to have a meaningful impact on someone's life is when they're young. It's easier to build strong children than fix broken adults. 

I'd like to end my bio with a quote from my resume when I first applied to Good Shepherd Catholic Academy. "Determined to create an inspirational, educational, fun, safe learning environment. To reveal and release students' curiosity of life to ignite a passion for learning and life." I pray to God that I become the teacher and person I inspire to be and that I have a meaningful impact on my students and community. Thank you Good Shepherd Catholic Academy and thank you God!